Scanning af gravid mave

Early Anomaly Scan week 14-18

Early Anomaly Scan week 14-18

  • Shows life with heartbeat
  • Assesses presence of single or multiple foetuses
  • Measures the size of the foetus
  • Determines date of delivery
  • Shows potential bigger anomalies


As in an early scan, we will look for heart activity and the number of foetuses. We will measure the size of the foetus and provide you with the expected date of delivery. Afterwards we will thoroughly scan for potential development anomalies of the foetus and its organs.

Kvinde holder model af foster

We will examine the foetus with the greatest attendence to detail

At this time, the early anomaly ultrasound scan can show the biggest developmental defects in the foetus. In the early anomaly ultrasound scan, the foetus will be examined “from top to toe” for any development anomalies. It is now possible to see the brain, heart, stomach, abdominal wall, bladder, arms and legs. We measure and evaluate the size of the foetus and ensure that the foetus’s development is normal and as expected.

An early anomaly scan requires extensive experience in pregnancy ultrasound scanning and extensive professional knowledge. Therefore, we continuously update our knowledge and there is ample time for you to ask questions along the way.

You can also receive information determining the gender of the foetus (whether it will be a boy or girl) from week 14+0. If you do not want to know the gender of the child, we naturally respect this and so we always ask before the scan whether you want this information.