Scanning af gravid mave

3D/4D scan incl. comfort scan week 24-32

3D/4D scan incl. comfort scan week 24-32

  • Shows life with heartbeat
  • Assesses presence of single or multiple foetuses
  • Measures the size of the foetus
  • Estimates the weight
  • Determines placement of placenta
  • Measures amount of amniotic fluid
  • Measures flow in the umbilical cord

This is the “all-inclusive” scan. In the 3D/4D scan, we look through everything and you will receive an amazing opportunity to take a peek into the uterus. You will receive a photo album with 2D and 3D images and an USB stick with 4D video sequences.

Konsultation med kvinde

3D/4D scan shows the foetus with clear features

The most optimal time for making stunning 3D-4D images is between week 24 and 32. The best pictures are obtained when there is sufficient amniotic fluid in front of the baby’s face.

The quality of the scan is reduced if the baby hides behind the arms and/or legs or if the baby is very close to the uterine wall/placenta or if the mother’s BMI is elevated.

baby feet edited

Focus on the development and well-being of the foetus

When booking the 3D/4D scan, we also focus on the well-being and development of the foetus. We measure the amount of amniotic fluid and compare the development of the foetus size and weight with the normal index and any previous scans.

We measure the flow in the umbilical cord, indicating whether the foetus is sufficiently nourished. The placement of the foetus is also determined.

Receive images to bring back home

If you do not want to know the gender of the child, this is not a problem as we can easily steer clear of this.

With booking 3D/4D scans, you will receive images and an USB stick with pictures – as well as numerous video clips of approximately 10 seconds durations.

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